Cluedo Anyone?

Bored Games – Cluedo – Monopoly – Chess We are in a pandemic lockdown, therefore, a stressful time for everyone. Furthermore, I read of fear and anxiety about what is going to happen next. However the media and the government are sending out so many mixed messages, it is hard to know if you are … Read more


Total Zoomer Man I have become a Total Zoomer. So what? This is a bit of software keeping everyone in touch at present. If you live in Scotland like me, a Zoomer is a person of an erratic disposition. Something I have been called many times. Yes, Nuttier than a bar of Cadbury’s Whole Nut. … Read more

Damn Dyslexia

The trials of being dyslexic are often frustrating. I find it challenging to sequence tasks. I have now realised I have a short attention span. So, as everyone is in lockdown, I have plenty of time to play with mind maps. Get ideas together, open the laptop and start drafting a book. Yes, I can … Read more

Uncertain Times

Uncertain times Wow! What a weird couple of weeks. Feeling like I am part of a Zombie Apocalypse, – Minus – The Zombies. It’s like watching some sort of soap. The news unfolds, and the world shuts down. Everything I had lined up, my holiday adventures, training courses and new challenges. One by one shut … Read more

Meeting David Yoeman

David Yeoman Once upon a time in the magical land of Dyslexia Scotland. An annual meeting was being held up in Sterling, or have I spelt this wrong and it should be Stirling? This meeting had a guest speaker by the name of David Yeoman. David was a tall thin man with distinctive yellow glasses. … Read more

Justice is blind with reasonable adjustments

The continuing saga Wilma received her citation for court in advance, so she continued investigating “reasonable adjustments” for jurors. This is also known as reasonable accommodations in some countries. Across the globe, reasonable adjustments are required by law in many countries. In the UK, this falls under the Equality Act of 2010, which ensures that … Read more

A Mountain to Climb

Mountain to climb inspired by one of the tweets I had read by Joe Simpson. It was about the ten rules of writing. I was both mystified and intrigued by what he had said. Now I have read all of Joe Simpson’s Mountain books starting with Touching the Void. The descriptions of the weather and digging … Read more

Entering D Matrix

In a world of galactic nonsense Okay, I am a dyslexic geek with a love of science fiction. It has not been that long since I was unplugged from the Matrix. I decide not to take any advice so take the wrong colour of pill. Oh, wow man this is impressive, but unlike the matrix, … Read more

Zoinks I can Learn

Zoinks 1 Zoinks, after much help and building up my confidence. I enlisted in a course for counselling and psychotherapy. This would be run by COSCA and in the end, I would have a Scottish credit qualification framework (SCQF) to a level 8 the same as an HND. I had lots of friends telling me … Read more

The Apocalypse Lockdown

Lockdown 101 This is a lockdown, shutting down nonessential systems. Staring at pictures of empty streets. It appears that the apocalypse is here. However, it is nothing I imagined it to be. I am looking for Daleks, Zombies and Ghosts, maybe I have watched the “Walking Dead” too many times. Where is Chris Hemsworth dressed … Read more