

Cosca course

One of the many things I have been doing while in lockdown is reflection. This was something I had been taught during my COSCA counselling course. As a result, this has aided me with an understanding of my anxiety. It has made me self-aware of trigger points which cause anxiety. I can now highlight how fragile my mental health has been in the past— I know when to ask for help.

I was reminded of this recently when my partner helped me set up software on my laptop. This was assistive technology by Claro software thanks to Ged Bretherton. Playing around with the software I could see how it aided dyslexia. I emailed Colourfield Training about this software as they had done my neurodiverse training. Robert McCormack had shown me the door to assistive technology available. I received an email back confirming it was a brilliant bit of software.

As a dyslexic, I love to keep information. After all, I never know when I will need it. I drive my partner insane with little piles of information all over the house! The second thing which drives him nuts is which pile has the information I require. You are correct, I have forgotten which pile it is in. To begin with, I find it a minefield trying to organise things. So, my partner decided to show me some administration skills, starting with my emails. As he coached me, he noticed that everything I thought I had deleted was still in a folder. Whoopsie!


My partner came across a name and asked where to file the mail for them. It was the tutor of my course in counselling and psychotherapy. I have been reflecting on my coursework. The fabulous people I have met and supported me. I had told everyone on the course I was dyslexic. Told them I was also a volunteer with Dyslexia Scotland. I knew I always struggled with the quizzes in class as I just couldn’t read fast enough. I also struggled with the long-worded theories which I had to learn. Thank goodness for YouTube. Watching shorts by fabulous people like Dr Brene Brown helped me.

One day I will have all my emails nicely organised. I will work out the best way I can use Claro software and be able to write about it. This will not be today. The weather is far too nice. I am going to sunbathe in the back garden. Put on some nice music and pretend I am people-watching in Madrid with some lovely tapas.